Most people chuckle
with regret when asked about their experience learning a second language in
high school and college. They had high
hopes for becoming bilingual or trilingual but their conversations are now limited
to simple sentences spoken in present tense with basic, highly frequent
vocabulary. These former students
completed three, four, or five years of foreign language courses and yet their
speaking proficiency could only be classified as Intermediate. As the years progress and with lack of use,
many slip from Intermediate to Beginner.
On the other hand,
someone who had the opportunity to be immersed in a second language at a young
age for an extended period of time may be able to speak at a fluent rate and
with extensive vocabulary. However, if
this individual had no cause to formally refine his grammar, he too may still
be considered only an Intermediate speaker due to many grammatical errors.
What is it about
that Advanced level proficiency that makes it so hard for a language learner to
leave behind his Intermediate status? We
see it all the time with ELLs in our classrooms. They seem to hit the Intermediate wall and can
easily linger there for years.
Stephen Krashen, a
leading research and activist in the field of bilingual education, proposed
five hypotheses or notions on second language acquisition. This week, we are going to look at the first
hypothesis, the Acquisition-Learning
Hypothesis. Krashen made a
distinction between the subconscious process that children undergo when they
acquire a language versus the conscious construction of knowledge when they are
learning the grammar and rules of a language.
Krashen claimed that the acquisition system was a more natural system
because it focused on meaningful interaction and communication. The learned system was based on formal and
explicit instruction in the way a language works.
In order for an ELL
to be classified as an Advanced speaker, he must show evidence of language
acquisition by participating comfortably in most conversations and academic
discussions using more abstract content vocabulary. Yet he must also show he has learned the
language through his grasp of basic grammar and past-tense verbs.
Most classrooms tend
to overemphasize one or the other. Just
as the phonics versus whole language debate culminated with most educators
agreeing on the need for balanced
literacy. The debate over whether
language is best learned or acquired must end with an agreement on the need for
balance. At EL Saber Enterprises, we
hold to the belief that meaningful interaction is crucial to instruction that
is embedded with opportunities for formally understanding the rules of the
English language. Continuously checking
for this balance in our instruction will help our students to advance their
language proficiency year by year and for the many years to come.
Next week, we will
look into more of Krashen’s hypotheses and how they can help us maintain this
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