
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Parent Involvement Part I

Why is important to help parents become more involved?

We all now that a strong partnership between the home and school, will help children succeed academically and at home. Teachers need input from the parents about their children. Sharing information and teamwork is essential.

How can teachers be proactive?

One of my main goals as a dual language teacher was to get my students' parents more involved, not only in their child's academic lives, but also in the community... to empower them!!

I realized that this was not an easy task because there was a huge language and cultural barrier.

I decided to be proactive, so I created a parent academy that grew from 4 parents in my second grade classroom to being implemented in 13 schools in my district. 

How can you start a parent academy?

I started by creating modules that were based on a survey I sent at the beginning of the school year, asking parents about their needs and for suggestions for topics.

Then, I asked my principal for funds to cover food (you HAVE to offer snacks) and materials. When my academy grew, I approached the multilingual director for Title III funds.

I also asked around in the community for small door prices and volunteers for daycare, while the parents attended the sessions.

Finally, I asked my district's and region's specialists and consultants to donate an hour a month to present. 

This does take a lot of work and it was certainly a team effort.


Some of the modules I created, include:

1. US School System

2. Math/ Reading/ Writing/ Science Make-and -Take sessions

3. Parenting classes

4. Computer classes

5. College Prep

6. Community Involvement 

7. The 21st century classroom


Here is an informative video on parent involvement.

Coming Soon:

More ways to help parents get involved.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. Latino parents care a lot about education. They just don't show it the same way as Americans. They have no time for cupcakes. Your parents' academy is a great way to involve parents.


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