
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Language and Content Objectives: Putting it all Together

I hope this summary of everything we have learned about content and language objectives is helpful.

Don't forget…

Consider content and language objectives as a road map for student learning.


I. Content Objectives:

     I will create a collage depicting some of the main features of French culture as well as products that France exports.   

     I will analyze the nutritional data on a fast food menu to create one healthy meal and one unhealthy meal.

II. Language Objectives:

   My job is to write sentences describing the main features of French culture.

 My job is to role-play a conversation between a parent and child or two students regarding choosing a healthy meal.   

III. Language Functions

Language functions are specific purposes that we use language for, such as:




   form a question





   give an example of




   make a connection







Now it is your turn: Share what you know about language and content objectives or any ideas on how to plan using both effectively.


  1. Hello,
    A dual language program has just been offered in my community. The schools in my community have little parent involvement/turnout, and have recently faced school closings because of low academic performance. My question/comment is: Is it really a good idea to put already poor performing kids of English speaking in a program for dual language? I have read studies that find kids in poverty stricken neighborhoods know less English vocabulary words and are less proficient in reading/vocabulary than children that are not in poverty stricken areas. The program will be teaching Pre-K through 1st grade at 90% Spanish/10% English. This is the concern that most parents have who would like their children to participate in this school program. Most parents have trouble helping their children with homework in English because of many reasons in impoverished communities. Is 90/10% with little English translation a normal curriculum plan? I know that Spanish is one the career languages of the future, but is this appropriate for the many at-risk students who have struggles in the job market with proper English and communication skills in their future according to studies?

  2. Yes, teaching our at-risk students concepts in their 1st language is effective mainly because they can easily transfer them to their 2nd language (ENG).
    It is important for parents to help their children with homework, so they can accomplish this, if it is in Spanish. There are many dual language models and 90/10 is a popular one. The expectation is that by 2nd grade students can transfer easily. Like any other program, not one of them fits all, so I recommend you look at each child's individual proficiency level in Pre K to make specific decisions. Dyslexic or LD students can really struggle with transferring concepts in 2 languages.


Join the conversation in English or espaƱol! You know you have something to say!