
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

In honor of the Fourth of July, I thought I would share my second graders' renditions of some of the national monuments.  Aren't they great?  Sorry that the picture quality is lacking.  I just bought my first DLSR camera so I promise all future pictures will be much, much better!

Pairs of students were assigned a national monument to research (Statue of Liberty, Washington Monument, Liberty Bell, Lincoln Monument, etc).  They then had to write a postcard to someone pretending that they were visiting the monument.  On the cover of the postcard, they had to draw the "photo".

I'm thankful for my country and these monuments and hope my students get to visit them in person some day!  Happy Fourth of July!

1 comment:

  1. DSLR cameras are fun! And your monument pictures are really cute!

    I have awarded you the One Lovely Blog award! Check it out here.

    Maestra Bilingue


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