
Monday, July 2, 2012

De regreso a la escuela: Una lombriz y un águila

This might not look like the standard back to school book but I think it has great potential!

This book starts out when an eaglet and worm meet for the first time.  They size each other up and make all sorts of comparisons, each one intending to make himself look bigger or better than the other new friend.  The conversation continues in this manner until the worm mentions the passing of his uncle that was the only one who knew how to read and always told the best stories.

Leer es mejor que volar altísimo, mejor que cavar los túneles más hondos, mejor que tener vision telescópica.  Es como abrazar, bailar, cantar y ver el Sol al mismo tiempo.

They have heard that the owl that lives on the other side of the forest could teach them to read and when the eaglet grows big enough to fly, he carries the worm to find the owl.  They find him submerged in books but he was more than happy to teach them to read.  

Cuentan que la lombriz, el águila y el búho se hicieron amigos inseparables.  Cuentan que hicieron cientos de viajes y que leyeron muchísimos libros.  

I think there is no better way to start the school year than by lots and lots of reminders of the joys and riches of reading.  This would be a great companion or follow up to reading this book!  Stay tuned for more books in our De regreso a la escuela series!  I would love to know other suggestions you may have!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I'm also passing on the One Lovely Blog award to you :) There's more info about it on my blog at Toad-ally Exceptional Learners

    1. THANK YOU Ms. Whiteley! I am SO honored! I have been out of town for the past few weeks and am trying to get my act together so I can officially thank you and pass along the award. Thank you again for thinking of me!

  2. I cannot find this book anywhere! Where did you get it? I don't even see it on Amazon. :(

    Please keep sharing your great beginning of the year Spanish read alouds!
    Mrs. Castro's Class

    1. Laura, I found this at my local public library. I just googled it and just found it for sale in online stores outside the country for over $200. While it IS a great book, I wouldn't say that it is THAT great! :) Check your local library just to be sure they don't have it!


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