
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Taller de Escritura: Cinco pasos para la escritura, PARTE II

If you are just now joining us and haven't viewed this yet, PLEASE go here and do so.  Seriously.  Don't make me use my teacher voice!  HA!

Okay, so what did you think?  Are you eager to see what those little five and six-year-olds can do with that kind of daily modeling?  

Well, here you go.  Prepare to be amazed!

Velarde Writing Workshop Children Write from Mesquite ISD on Vimeo.

Velarde Writing Workshop Student Progress 1 from Mesquite ISD on Vimeo.

Velarde Writing Workshop Student Progress 2 from Mesquite ISD on Vimeo.

These students love writing because it is meaningful to them. They spell most of their words correctly because they verbally segment the syllables just like they see their teacher model for them EVERY DAY.  When Kay trained other teachers in Mesquite about how she did Writing Workshop, she admitted that it required a huge investment of her daily schedule.  However, she infused so much phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, and grammar into her modeling that it provided a bountiful return on that investment.

Another teacher that began using Kay's 5 Steps created these desk strips to remind her students of the steps.

What are your secrets to making Writing Workshop successful?  Do you have a video of your students in action?  Please share the link so we can continue to learn from you!

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