
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Taller de Escritura: Cinco pasos para la escritura

Writing Workshop.  My experience has been you either love it or hate it.  Usually, if you hate it, it is because, like me, you struggle to find a structure that works for you and your students on a daily basis.  I had read books and attended trainings but, it wasn't until, I visited a certain teacher's classroom that Writing Workshop actually seemed doable and absolutely necessary.  That teacher's name is Kay Velarde and she is a bilingual educator in Mesquite ISD. 

These videos give you a peek into one day of Writing Workshop in Kay's Kindergarten bilingual classroom several years ago.  Using the Lucy Caulkins's Units of Study for Primary Writing, Kay modeled five simple steps (shown in the above bulletin board from another teacher's classroom) to help her students understand the cycle of writing.

If you are looking for a new way to do your writing workshop or just want to watch an amazing teacher, check out these videos.  They are in short segments due to Vimeo's length restrictions but you can watch them in order below.  On Tuesday, I will post more videos of how the students apply Kay's modeling to their own writing!  It is AMAZING! 
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  1. Oh yay! It was great seeing a Writer's Workshop video in Spanish! Thanks for sharing :)
    First Grade Dual

  2. I love it! Thank you! It was so helpful!


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