
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Importance of Music in Education - Part I

The Benefits of Music Education

A boy getting a piano lessonWe have heard or have read that music facilitates learning.

This is not a myth and we know the importance of it, but do we really value it and use it in our classrooms?

Here are some reasons why we should incorporate music into our classrooms.

 1. Language Development

Music benefits children's ages two to nine language development.

2. Increased IQ

Children who were given music lessons over the school year tested on average three IQ points higher than the other groups. 

3. The Brain Works Harder.

Research has proven the theory that students who received music instruction had improved sound discrimination and fine motor tasks, and brain imaging showed changes to the networks in the brain associated with those abilities.

4. Spatial-Temporal Skills

There is a l link between music and spatial intelligence, which means that understanding music can help children visualize various elements that should go together, like they would do when solving a math problem.

5. Improved Test Scores

Music can help with basic memory recall, so students can easily memorize information and improve their test scores.

6. Being Musical

Music can improve our students' abilities in learning and other non music tasks, but it's important to understand that music does not make one smarter. 

Words from an Expert- Musician Mariana Iranzi

"Music is important. It is essential in the mental, physical and emotional development of children. It helps in the development of math, listening, language, and motor skills and encourages creativity, expression and communication. Music connects others through history, art, geography, culture and dance. It supports the development of high self-esteem and confidence. Music is expression of the self and it's freedom. Music is a gift for life."

Helpful Resources: - great music for children in English and Spanish. - great programs to develop different skills through music.



  1. I completely agree about how important music is for dual language students. I teach kindergarten in a dual language program and using music helps my students with math, science. literacy, social studies and even classroom procedures. I have made up several little mini-songs on my own to teach them about how we sit on the carpet or how we get materials and it is so helpful for all my students. It is much easier for students to understand a song with actions and with a beat then remember monotonous verbal directions. Thank you so much for you post. What grade level do you teach? And do you teach Spanish. English, or both?

  2. Thank you for the post. I really enjoyed reading it and it is SO TRUE. Music is so important whether you are teaching Spanish or any other subject. As a dual language teacher, I have seen how music really engages students. Music also activates different parts of the brain. However, I am guilty of not using it as much as I would like.

    Thank you,

  3. Right on. So much of being a language teacher is creating memorable moments in the classroom--something for students to attach the language to. I think music is just the best way to do this. For those teaching grammar-based language courses, I put together a bunch of lessons on grammar and music. Hope someone finds them useful:)



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