
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Part III: DOK Activities

Once I understood the difference between each DOK level, I started to examine, if the required student work and activities are keeping students engaged in the activity or engaged in learning.
I realized that not all activities help students learn. I knew I had to spend time changing my formative and summative assessments, but the results made it worth it. I was ready!

Understanding and using the DOK Levels provides us with another tool as we plan instruction and assessments with a focus on rigor and relevance.

When I plan my formative assessments or activities, I make sure that they are aligned with the standard’s DOK level, with my questions and that they are tested on the same level (summative assessments).

These are examples of science activities for each DOK Level.

DOK Level 1– Animal Life cycle Stacking Cups


Science 5.6 C- Understand life cycles or animals

1.      Glue images on to your Styrofoam cups.
2.   Write the name of the organism on the rim.
3.  Mix them up, have kids put them in order, and stack them.

DOK Level 2- States of Matter Anchor Foldable
Science 5.5 D- Identify changes that can occur in the physical properties of the ingredients of solutions such as dissolving salt in water or adding lemon juice to water.
1. Fold a sheet of paper in half horizontally (hamburger).
2. Cut the front side in half, up towards the fold (mountain top) to create two flaps. Choose an ingredient that will change properties by hearting and cooling. Label each section with the titles “heating” and “cooling.”

3. Inside the foldable label each side with the title and ask students to record the changes.

DOK Level 3- Consumer: Impact Graphic Organizer


Standard 3.9 A: Observe and describe the physical characteristics of environments and how they support populations and communities within an ecosystem.


1. Use the graphic organizer to explain the relationship between a consumer and the environment and their impact.

Here are some scaffolding strategies:

    Ask guiding questions
    Chunk information
    Color-code the steps of a project
    Write standards as questions for students to answer
    Using visuals and graphic organizers
   Provide scaffolding tools interactive; such as, reading guides, study guides and rubrics.

What activities do you use to teach with rigor?

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