
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Explorar las expectativas: Segmenting words into syllables

If you find yourself questioning the importance of some phonological awareness activities like segmenting words into syllables, check out this short video for some inspiration.  These bilingual Kindergarten students were able to write with accuracy and confidence in March because their teacher had spent the first months of their school year developing this skill.  Just as blending words is crucial for reading, segmenting words is essential for spelling and writing.

Beginning Reading Skills/Phonological Awareness
Spanish Language Arts and Reading TEKS:  2(H) separate spoken multi-syllabic words into two 
to three syllables (e.g., /to/ /ma/ /te/).

English Language Arts and Reading TEKS:  2(F) separate spoken multi-syllabic words into two to 
four syllables (e.g., “ra-na”, “má-qui-na”, “te-lé-fono”).

Here is a free resource I have created to help your students practice segmenting the syllables in words.

More resources for developing the ability to segment syllables:

What other resources or activities do you use to develop your students' ability to segment words into syllables?


  1. Thank you so much for all the wonderful resources and materials you put on your blog (and so much for free!!)
    I am a new DL Kinder teacher that has only taught Pre-K for 5 years. I have searched high and low for quality Spanish instructional material and I found you recently on Pintrest. What a blessing!
    I am printing furiously and plan on beginning to implement these wonderful ideas next semester.
    I just wanted to Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such amazing materials and resources!! My kids and I thank you!

    Blessings! :)


    1. Thanks so much for your encouraging feedback, Michelle! I am so glad you found me and hope you will continue to find these resources helpful. Merry Christmas to you and your students!

  2. Hi Candis,

    I'm a Spanish immersion teacher (first grade) in Indiana, and I am getting a lot of great ideas from your blog. I am working on segmentation of syllables, and I'd like to use this activity with my students, but I'm not exactly sure it's intended use. Could you briefly explain how it is used in your classroom?


  3. I'm not sure how Candis uses these in her room, but we do a similar (if not exact) thing in my 1st grade SI classroom. The idea comes from Elkonin boxes (you'll find a ton of info if you just google it). In my small group reading interventions, the kids have "fichas" and they push them into the boxes one at a time as they say the syllable. "ca"... ficha, "ba"... ficha, "llo"... ficha. Super simple activity but it really works well! For my really low kiddos, I print the words off, have them cut them into syllables, and have them push the actual syllable into each box. Eventually they transition from needing to see the letters and just use the fichas.

  4. Thank you so much for your freebies!
    As school is close, I am browsing all the dual/bilingual sites to get ideas and resources. This school year I am going to be teaching K-bilingual and I need lots of ideas and resources that you generously provide.
    Thanks again.


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