
Friday, August 24, 2012

De regreso a la escuela: ¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!

Mientras más libros leas 
más cosas aprenderás.
Y mientras más aprendas, 
más lejos llegarás.

As I wrap up my summer-long De regreso a la escuela series, I thought I would include this book that I came across at my public library today.  While I always prefer to use authentic Spanish literature, this is another Dr. Seuss book translated by Yanitzia Canetti who is widely recognized for her great translations.  

The first few weeks back to school often include a lot of discussions about reading and its purposes.  Why do we read?  What do we read?  How do we read?  

While my favorite book for prompting these discussions is still ¡Qué locura por la lectura!, ¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados! is another fun book that can serve a similar purpose.  

Are there any other books that I am missing that you use to kick off literacy for your class?

1 comment:

  1. I love this book! We use it in my classroom every year. We love using Yanitzia Canetti's books about famous fairy tales. Those ones that are a little bit different than the original like the one: Snowhite and the seven Giants... My students love re-reading again and again and finding the differences. I always tell you that you can't never know what you'll find in a book until you read it.
    You really gave me an idea for a new post. THANKS!


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