
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Giveaway: 78 Spanish/English books for Early Readers

Last week's giveaway featured a resource designed for supporting readers as they acquire strategic behaviors for literacy.  Now...what else does a teacher need?  Why, BOOKS, of course!  

The wonderful company, Attanasio & Associates, is offering one lucky I Teach Dual Language winner their set of Early Spanish/English Single Copy Set which includes 39 books in Spanish and 39 books in English (a $495.35 value).

Want to win?  Visit Attanasio & Associates' website: and leave a comment on this post telling us about one of their products that you would love to have in your classroom.  Follow the rest of the directions from the Rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Would love these for my library center!!!!

  2. Id like these!!!

  3. The fact that Attanasio and Associates offers Dual Language books for Math offers a new posibility for me, as it integrates reading in a new language with colorful, well written books in Spanish! Daniela Emmerich

  4. As a new dual language teacher, I desperately need LOTS of Spanish books in my library and for guided reading!! :)

  5. I love the dual language books - I am always looking for more bilingual books to meet the needs of my students!!

  6. I love all their products especially the Cantemos la cartilla and the science content support in Spanish!

  7. I would love the dual language math collection, as I would love to do more literature tie ins with math as well....but the majority of my texts are in English (and of course I teach math in Spanish!).


  8. I would love to have their Dual Language collection or the DL math collection or....anything and everything! WOW! Beth

  9. I like the dual language theme books!

  10. I would love to have ANY of the leveled reading series for my middle school kiddos. I am working on building my classroom library, and these would make a GREAT addition!

  11. The dual language guided reading sets would be wonderful! I am always in need of more guided reading books!

  12. I would LOVE this!!! Since I'm new to bilingual ed this would help my classroom library out!


  13. As a first year bilingual teacher, I would love to have these books in my classroom. I can place them in my classroom library or when doing small group instruction! Reading is surviving!!

  14. I have been teaching dual language for four years now but spanish books for my classroom library are hard to come by. The spanish content classroom library would make a great resource to have for my students.


  15. I would really love to have these books! Spanish books are so hard to come by, these are great!

  16. Just spent 2 weeks in school-wide GLAD training, and the dual language theme collections would be a wonderful resource as we plan thematic units! I teach 2nd grade in Spanish for 70% of the day, but of course my classroom library is about 70% English!

  17. I would love to have these books in my pre-k classroom. I find it hard to find good quality books for pre-k level in Spanish. I scour our school and city library to find books every week.

  18. Hello,
    Attanasio & Associates' offers AMAZING books my bilingual kinder sweeties will fall in love with!Fostering a love of reading occurs with high quality books, just like these. unfortunately many of my students have little or no experience with books (and reading), as is the case in many bilingual-dual language classrooms. I am pleased there is a wonderful company offering bilingual books to our students and teachers that really need them!

  19. Attanasio & Associates has so many amazing Spanish language books that my firsties would LOVE to get their little hands on! It's so hard to find affordable Spanish language titles for my kiddos who are just starting to read. Their Spanish leveled sets look amazing!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I am a new Kindergarten teacher in a two-way dual language program. I would love to have the Dual Language Theme Collection, it would be such a great resource for my classroom!

  22. It's always great to see new Spanish titles!!!!!

  23. I love the Cantemos la cartilla products on their website. Using songs in the classroom is very effective and it is difficult to find good songs in Spanish.

    The books would be a wonderful addition to my classroom and I would definitely use them in my guided reading groups.

  24. I would love the content area books in Spanish, especially the ones in math. My team will be teaching math in Spanish for the first time this year and could really use some literature to support and complement our lessons!

  25. I read that Post and got it fine and informative. Please share more like that... Books for upper-intermediate


Join the conversation in English or español! You know you have something to say!