
Monday, July 9, 2012

De regreso a la escuela: Rotas y partidas son más ricas compartidas

Y'all (you do know I'm from Texas, right?), this is just about the CUTEST book ever!  It is a super simple story perfect for starting the year with PK or Kinders.  It is short and the illustrations are so much fun.

This is the story of Juan who loves to go to school to play with his friends.

Cantan todos como pajaritos, saltan como canguros y corren como los indios.  Pero a la hora de prestar atención, escuchan a la maestra con orejas de elefante.  Así pasan los días con una sonrisa en la cara.  Felices de ser felices.

Don't you just love it?  I am totally going to remind my students to listen with orejas de elefante!

So, as the story continues, Juan's backpack falls amid all the playing and his cookies get crushed.  At snack time, Juan is devastated and inconsolable...until little Marina comes up, gives him a hug and kiss, and thanks him for bringing enough cookies to share with everyone. :)

Y así fue como, por accidente, cuatro galletas se transformaron en merienda de todos.  Desde ese día, todos los chicos se dieron cuenta de que poniendo sus galletas rotas y partidas en un plato podían ser compartidas.

Doesn't this sound like the perfect book for building community with little ones?  Felices de ser felices.  I just love that!

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