
Friday, May 18, 2012

¡Hasta mañana, Iguana! Rhyming Game

Are you looking for a super simple game to help your little ones practice generating rhymes?  This game is a perfect way for students to recall and play with the rhyming words that you have already exposed them to.  I first saw the idea for a rhyming dice game over at and then added a gameboard for a little more friendly competition!


I bought a set of 3 of the dice/cubes above at Mardel's for $19.99.  I printed off six photos of words that would be simple for rhyming (fresa, pavo, luna, globo, gato, queso).  I slipped the pictures into the cubes, grabbed one of my Dollar Tree dice and a few counters, and printed out the gameboard below. 

To play the game, the student rolls the rhyming cube and generates a word that rhymes with the picture.  If they roll globo, they could say lobo, robo, bobo, etc.  After saying the rhyming word on the die and their own word, they roll the number die and move forward that number of spaces.  The first one to move their counter to the iguana wins!

What do you think?  Want to try it?  Download the picture cards and gameboard here!
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1 comment:

  1. Nice activity! I saw the pocket dice at the teacher store last week. I had to buy them and already have a list of activities that I want to make.
    Thanks for sharing this fun activity:)



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