
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Do you love your biblioteca???

My four-year-old is definitely into the word "special" lately.  She wants to know what "special" thing we are going to do each day.  Thankfully, it doesn't take much to make something special.  In fact, high on her list of favorite special things is our weekly visit to the public library.

I grew up going with my mother to the public library and I have never stopped going.  Like my daughter, it is high on my list of favorite places.

Several years ago, as I was preparing to finish the year with another group of second graders, I happened to notice the new library that was opening near the neighborhood of my school.  In the minutes it took for me to drive home, I had a hopeful idea to make that library a special place for my students.  I created a survey to send home to the parents of my students asking them about their interest in meeting me at the library once a week throughout the summer.  I asked for them to indicate the best days and times and sent home a library card application with my letter.

A couple of weeks later, I delivered the applications to the library and picked up cards for most of my students.  The librarian gave me a card too, even though I don't live in that city.  The last day of school, when I gave each of my students a book I had picked out specifically for him/her, I also gave them their library cards.  They were so excited and proud!  I mean, seriously, how often do kids get to have an official card with their name on it?  Library cards = POWER!!! :)

Saying good-bye to my students didn't really feel so final because we got to say, "I'll see you at the library!" Every Wednesday afternoon, with a few exceptions for vacation, I was at the library from 3:00-5:00.  One week, I had seven students and their families show up and other weeks, I had one or none.  I was just there to listen to them read, help them pick out books, and chat with their parents.  When I had no one to talk to, I picked out books for myself and discovered a lot of gems!

So, if you are looking for a super-easy and fun (probably more fun for me than for them!) way to continue loving on and support your bilingual students' love for reading, consider becoming a regular fixture in their public library.  After all, it IS such a SPECIAL PLACE!  You have read this book, haven't you?  LOVE IT!
Goin' Someplace Special

And, if you aren't convinced yet, Lydia Breiseth, managar of Colorín Colorado, contributed an article to Spanglish Baby titled "How the library can help you raise a bilingual child".  Now, go forth and give your library some love! 


  1. Thanks so much for sharing the post Lydia wrote for our site!
    I loved reading that you are still looking after your students in such a beautiful way during the summer. They are lucky to have you!

  2. I keep exploring your blog. This idea is super SPECIAL. Something that your students will remember during their lives. And hopefully they'll go on with this tradition.
    I love public libraries!


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